We provide you with the widest choices of causes to donate.
Your donation will provide for the School Fee, Books, Stationery and Food for the most needy Children
Your donation will support Marginalized people with Skills training, Seeds, Natural Manure and Saplings.
Your donation will provide Food, Medicines and Home-Based Care and Pain Releiving medicines for Cancer patients
Your kind donation will support the costs for Lab tests, Medicines and Hospitalization of the Sick Patients
Your donation would take care of Climate Change and Reducing Single Use Plastics
Your donation will provide for Equipments, Training and Education for disabled people, to help them lead a life with dignity.
Your invaluable donation will be used for giving Food, Basic Medicines and Treatment for Poor & Marginalized Children.
Your donation would be providing Food, Medicines, Shelter to the Poor Elderly People.
Your donation will take care of Hospitalization, Treatment, Training , Healthcare and Legal Support of women.
Your donation will provide Food, Water, Shelter and Medicines for the poorest of the poor
Donate to feed the hungry facing difficult situation in their life due to being sick, old age, climatic condition or starvation. You can provide relief to the hungry around the country through your generous donation.
Your donation would be used for supporting people who are affected by COVID 19. Your money would be utilized for providing food, masks, hygiene kit, medicines and other essential items to the people affected by COVID 19.